Dublin: 7 °C Saturday 15 March, 2025

Amy Huberman just confirmed her pregnancy in a rather adorable way... The Dredge

The very best of the day’s celebrity dirt.

EVERY WEEKDAY MORNING, DailyEdge.ie rounds up the best of the day’s celebrity dirt from the top to the very bottom.

Amy Huberman confirmed her pregnancy on Twitter, in the most Amy Huberman way possible. After reports of her and BOD’s good news emerged yesterday, Hubes tweeted late last night:

Brian O’Driscoll must be delighted with his work.

Source: Niall Carson

Katy Perry appears to be subtweeting Taylor Swift, in a deeply passive-aggressive way. It all started yesterday when Swift gave an interview discussing a fellow pop star who “basically tried to sabotage an entire arena tour” of hers.

This was widely assumed to be Katy Perry, as three dancers left Swift’s tour last year to dance for Perry instead.

So was Katy just going to sit back and take that? Well, last night she was all like:

Source: Straightfromthea

Jared Leto’s trouser bulge is a thing of great wonder and mystery. The wondrous-haired actor was on stage with his band 30 Seconds To Mars in Toronto last month when… this happened.

This thing that happens at around the 1:47 mark in this video.

Source: Adri enne/YouTube




(via Buzzfeed)

And the rest of the day’s dirt…

  • Mel Brooks wore a prosthetic finger to his Hall of Fame induction, and it was awesome. (Buzzfeed)
  • Rita Ora pinched someone’s arse. (Mirror)
  • Justin Bieber stripped on stage, and was wearing white athletic socks. (YouTube
  • Lily Allen bought LOADS at a sex shop. (Mirror)
  • Britney Spears launched her lingerie collection. (ONTD)

Yesterday’s Dredge: Taylor Swift has a ‘special room’ in her house dedicated to her BFF>

About the author:

Michael Freeman

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