AT THE GOLDEN Globes last month, the Ryans Reynolds and Gosling were up against each other in the Best Comedy/Musical actor category.
The Gos was nominated (and eventually won) for La La Land, while Reynolds got a nod for playing the comic book character Deadpool.
Reynolds still got the last laugh though – because as Ryan G went up to collect his trophy, Ryan R and his seatmate Andrew Garfield could be seen in the background, wearing the faces off each other.
Alright lads! Steady on! At least Reynolds’ wife Blake Lively enjoyed it. Vince Vaughn, on the other hand:
Andrew was on Graham Norton last night along with Annette Bening (who was also at the Globes), Labour MP Harriet Harman and teenage actor Asa Butterfield.
Of course, Graham had to ask him what the hell was going on, and Andrew obliged him by divulging the details:
It was a ridiculous thing. I said to Ryan Reynolds, “If you win, kiss me instead of your wife.” The plan was that he would move towards his wife and then last minute, move towards me. And then he didn’t win! Much to our disappointment. So I said “We can still just do it.”
And they did.
Fair play lads. That’s the kind of competitive spirit we like to see.