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13 problems only hardened Android users will understand

Calling all the aliens.

YESTERDAY, WE TOOK a look at the harrowing world of iPhone users, and the traumas they face on a day-to-day basis.

Now, we look to the plight of Android users.

1. iPhone users are constantly telling you to switch, but you KNOW they’re wrong

Leave it out, Apple fanatics.

10684358_637220563061216_531244832_n Source: adrianpiedra88

2. You’re usually second in line to get a new app

Vine, QuizUp, they were all ioS only at first. When they eventually arrive, iPhone users have moved on to something else.

android-app-on-google-play-coming-soon Source: Pdfshareforms

3. Getting a case you like that fits your phone is an endless treasure hunt

With iPhones there are only a few possible options. But Android. ARGH.

Desperate marketing Source: Bex.Walton

4. ioS emojis are the bane of your existence

5. They don’t look as nice, either

6. Basically, you’ve had many breakdowns in communication

DAMN YOU #Android why do you toy with me. #GalaxyS3 #AndroidProblems #Firstworldproblems @d34nn4dunn3 Source: cerebraljelly

7. You become a Facetime and iMessage outcast

8. You have to get creative with normal texting conventions

10004263_959063400786884_1468069688_n Source: marinalesly6

9. Don’t get us started on group messages

10. They’re generally massive

This is the giant arm band you have to use when your phone is too big #androidproblems Source: kaz2279

11. Apps don’t always work as they should

Like this ‘Guess the Emoji game’ for Android.

tumblr_n8nq9wy9Os1tovc8lo1_500 Source: Tumblr ihope-pancakes

12. Snapchat has a vendetta against you

Dang lol... #snapchat #cantsee #androidproblems #oh well #lol #TONGANS #haha Source: junrey3

13. You didn’t get a free U2 album

This can either be a plus or a negative, depending on your Bono stance.

455057720 Source: Apple

16 constant struggles only iPhone obsessives will understand>

12 deadly things you didn’t know your phone could do>

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