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13 animals who are just a bit fed up

They’ve had it.

AH THE DREADED mid-week slump where time itself ceases to have any meaning and you reckon you may never make it out of the office.

Have you already given up this week?

Is it all a bit much for you?

Well these animals feel the same way.

1. The lion who has just had enough

“Can’t believe Phil from Accounts sent that e-mail, I need a drink”

Clav / Flickr

2. A koala who can’t even look at you anymore

“Sick of you now, I’m sick of ya. Get out of my sight”

Uncookedspud / Flickr

3. The lemur who is giving you some serious stink eye

lassi.kurkijarvi / Flickr

4.  A cat who is looking the week in the eye and decided it’s not for them

Ben.Millet / Flickr

5. The polar bear sneaking in a little power nap

Lars K. Jensen / Flickr

6. A dog who has had enough

sunsets for you / Flickr

7.  The panda who has given up attempting any work at all

Chris Ison/PA Archive/Press Association Images

8. The panda who just decided to go to bed early

“I don’t care that it’s 7pm, I’m wrecked, I’m going to bed. Sorry lads”

/AP/Press Association Images

9. A hard-working rabbit who has had enough

10. The sheep who really doesn’t want to deal with you

That is a very sassy head tilt if you ask us

Ben Birchall/PA Archive/Press Association Images

11. The cat who has thought about how many days are left in the week and is not happy about it

“You mean it is still only Wednesday? I can’t take this anymore”

WhatDaveSees / Flickr

12. A hippo is yawning but could also be screaming because it has had enough

The_Chauffeur / Flickr

13. The dog who has given up any attempt to seem with it

This dog is speaking for all of us really

via Imgur

Here is why sharks will always terrify us>

13 pictures of humans hugging animals that will make you feel better>

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