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The deeply annoying things people say to you right after a breakup

They mean well, really.

AFTER YOU GO through a breakup, people want to make you feel better.

The thing is, they can’t.  Unfortunately, lots of their well-intended comments and suggestions actually make you feel worse.

Here are seven of the worst things someone can say to you after a break-up, along with a translation guide for those who say them.

They say: What’s for you won’t pass you.

You hear:  Your feelings about this matter aren’t important because this was not your intended partner therefore none of this matters.


They say: You deserve better anyway.

You hear:  You let yourself down by ever interacting with that person in the first place.


They say: I never liked him/her.

You hear: I’ve been lying to you for last several months/years during every pleasant interaction I had with your ex.


They say: They say it takes half the time you were with someone to get over them.

You hear:  You’re going to feel this crap and miserable for aaaaaages.


They say: You just need to meet someone else.

You hear: Your relationship was meaningless really, and you can easily eradicate that experience with a new one.


They say: Let’s get dolled up and go out!

You hear: I don’t give a s**t about your feelings, I want to go on the lash!


They say: Everything happens for a reason.

You hear: You deserved this. You deserve this pain. It is your fate.


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