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Antonio embodied 'every lad in Coppers' by lobbing the gob on First Dates Ireland last night

Sinead didn’t mind at all, though. Oh you crazy kids.

antonionsinead Source: RTÉ Player

LAST NIGHT, FIRST Dates Ireland returned with a whole new batch of singletons looking for love.

‘Latin lothario’ (RTÉ’s words, not ours) Antonio was set up with medical student Sinead, and they were both looking for someone very attractive to sweep them off their feet.

He immediately charmed her by calling her hometown of Cork by the correct name:

realcapital Source: RTÉ Player

After that, they got on like a house on fire – and Antonio decided that being upfront about his feelings was the best option:

Sinead: I do like you, but I don’t know how you feel about me.

sinead3 Source: RTÉ Player

thereyougo Source: RTÉ Player

Antonio: There you go. That’s your answer.

Eh, have we wandered into a scene from Love Actually?

Understandably, more reticent Irish viewers were SHOCKED at Antonio’s forwardness. Doesn’t he know there are formalities to be observed?

Thankfully, it didn’t put Sinead off – according to RTÉ, they went on a second date out dancing in Dublin:

We’re not saying lobbing the gob works, but…

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More: Everyone fell in love with Paddy and Lauren on First Dates Ireland last night>

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