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Here's a graph of Apple's share price, compared with when U2 walked on stage


Source: AP/Press Association Images

BONO AND THE rest of U2 took the stage at tonight’s big Apple event in Cupertino.

They announced that their new album would be released immediately for free on iTunes, and Bono and Tim Cook shared this excruciatingly awkward moment:

Meanwhile, business publications were noting that Apple’s share price – which had been posting significant gains earlier in the day – was now in freefall.

Source: Business Insider

Source: Christian Science Monitor

So what was going on? Here’s a graph of Apple stock prices during the big announcement:

Source: Yahoo Finance

And here it is again, annotated with when U2 were on stage:

As you can see, U2′s appearance at around 11.50am local time (2.50pm Eastern time, 7.50pm Irish time) came just before the sharpest decline in Apple’s share price.

Awkward. People were not slow to make the connection.

ARGH. Well, at least millions of people are downloading the new album.

More: The 13 greatest online reactions to the big Apple announcement>

About the author:

Michael Freeman

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