ARCHAEOLOGISTS IN PRAGUE have discovered what they claim could be the oldest known example of a homosexual caveman.
The body, which dates from between 2900 and 2500 BC, was found in a suburb of the Czech Republic capital – with its burial state suggesting a ritual that was ordinarily used to bury females.
They have been to positively identify the body as being male, however – suggesting that he may have gay, or potentially transgender.
The Daily Telegraph explains that the Corded Ware culture of the day dictated that men were buried lying on their right hand side facing westward, while women were positioned on their left and facing back to the east.
Men, however, would be traditionally buried alongside weapons like hammers and knives – but this body, as was custom for the remains of women, was surrounded with domestic jugs and other artefacts, including an egg-shaped pot at its feet.
“None of the objects that usually accompany male burials – such as weapons, stone battle axes and flint knives – were found in the grave,” archaeologist Katerina Semradova told a press conference earlier this week.
While earlier examples of women being buried according to male custom had been identified, this example was distinct to the examples of witch doctors who had been buried in similar manners.
“This later discovery was neither of those [two types], leading us to believe the man was probably homosexual or transsexual,” Yahoo! News quoted Semradova as adding.