ARCTIC MONKEYS RELEASED their highly-anticipated new album Tranquility Base Hotel & Casino this week.
Their first album in five years, it’s been met with pretty mixed reviews so far:
1. Some reckon you’d don’t even notice the time passing, thought I don’t think they meant it positively …
There’s 11 tracks on it, Sam.
2. This guy gave them a stern talking to.
Yeah, you showed them.
3. Some people managed to predict the mixed reaction
4. Here’s a … Poetic description.
5. Is this character development?
6. A slightly tamer review here from Ciara.
7. Some people were delighted to get some wear out of their greaser gear again.
8. Maybe we should have seen this coming?
9. ABBA is ALWAYS safe option, in fairness.
10. Anyone selling a ticket for the 3Arena gig, no?