THE HEADY DAYS of Italia ’90 is usually best celebrated through the medium of Reeling in the Years on YouTube.
But this week some class footage has made its way online showing the scenes in Arklow town after one of Ireland’s matches in the World Cup – and it’s a wonderfully nostalgic sight:
Uploaded by Paud O’Keefe - from the original footage by Peter Dempsey – there’s nearly 10 minutes worth of mad celebrations about the town.
These lads were rocking the van from side to side
Including customary set of bananas and tricolours.
When these lads spotted the camera, they gave it the big one too
Eventually, the camera made it on to the van itself as it cruised through Arklow
And everyone on the footpath was in dancing mood
The fashion, the songs… and the novelty hats. This just captures it all.
hat tip
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