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Teacher demonstrates to class how pictures spread on the internet, goes viral

It’s safe to say she proved her point.

1469916_10153489643375321_1654529950_n Source: Society's Choice

A TEACHER IN THE US uploaded the image above publicly on Facebook last week, hoping to teach her students to be careful when posting images of themselves online.

A Reddit user found it on Facebook (where it has amassed over 800,000 likes on this page) and posted it to r/photoshopbattles, where kindly users pooled their skills to help really get her point across.

a3CvBCE Source: Imgur

YtjtMUh Source: Imgur

FmWwP18 Source: Imgur

Here’s one that shows how some pictures just won’t disappear from the Internet, no matter how hard you try (we’re looking at you, Beyonce):

xxpd8mE Source: Imgur

Obligatory Nicolas Cage:

ngmYZGu Source: Imgur

So you see kids, anything can happen.

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