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Glenda Gilson's old school photos are just as embarrassing as yours

Take a look and see.

Xpose's Glenda Gilson goes 'Back to School' with Ireland AM on TV3. Source: TV3

DEFINITIVE PROOF: THOUGH she may have supermodel looks, Glenda Gilson is one of us.

TV3 took Glenda back to her alma mater, Mount Sackville Secondary School, as part of Ireland AM’s Back to School series. There they uncovered some decidedly cringey school pictures, depicting the Xposé presenter in the height of dodgy 90s fashion that would leave her co-presenters gasping.

Here she is with classmates on a school trip to Coronation Street (lucky things). Glenda’s in the front row, sporting chunky platform Timberland boots, baggy trousers and a red puffy gilet.

Xpose's Glenda Gilson goes 'Back to School' with Ireland AM on TV3. Source: TV3

Big ol’ perm: check. Diamante-studded top: check. 90s pencil-thin eyebrows: double check.

Xpose's Glenda Gilson goes 'Back to School' with Ireland AM on TV3. Source: TV3

We hope the ensemble in this one was for a fancy dress party, because there is NO EXCUSE for that red headband:

Xpose's Glenda Gilson goes 'Back to School' with Ireland AM on TV3. Source: TV3

Fresh faced and wearing a dodgy school uniform? Yep. One of us.

Xpose's Glenda Gilson goes 'Back to School' with Ireland AM on TV3. Source: TV3

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