Dublin: 8 °C Monday 3 March, 2025

Rebecca Black has released a follow-up to Friday...called Saturday

Tomorrow is Saturday, and Sunday comes afterwards, you see.

IN CASE YOU MISSED IT – Rebecca Black released her follow-up single to the so-bad-it’s-good Friday over the weekend, and it’s…interesting.

The video features plenty of nods to Friday – from the clock at the beginning, to “gotta have my bowl” to “so excited” written in the sand on the beach. Meaningful references, she has them.

The song is not much better than Friday, but you have to give her props for being able to make fun of herself.

Source: rebecca

What we want to know is how can she fit so much into her Saturday after waking up at 2pm? Sure she had half the day wasted at that stage. Young ones, eh?

Rebecca Black watches Friday, two years after she released it>

The follow-up to Allison Gold’s Chinese Food music video is incredibly creepy>

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