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Small-town police chief schools Kanye West in this viral letter

Kanye said being a rapper was as dangerous as being a policeman. Chief Oliver did not agree.

Image: Doug Peters/EMPICS Entertainment

WE’VE ALL THOUGHT about giving Kanye West a telling-off at one time or another, whether he’s comparing himself to Michael Jackson or releasing absurd music videos.

Last week, small-town American police chief David Oliver went ahead and did that, by posting a scathing, sarcastic letter to Kanye on Facebook that basically said what we were all thinking.

He has an issue with something Kanye said in recent interview – that his job as a rapper was just as dangerous as being a police officer or in the army, because he could get hurt…or something.

Here’s the quote that set Chief Oliver off, from Kanye’s interview with Saturday Night Online:

I’m just giving of my body on the stage and putting my life at risk, literally…and I think about it. I think about my family and I’m like, wow, this is like being a police officer or something, in a war or something.

Most of us would probably shrug and say “That’s Kanye!”, but Chief Oliver deemed it a step too far.

I know that being a rapper is tough work. I have tried to rap, and it is very difficult to keep up with the pulse of the rhyme flow…although when Ice Ice Baby comes on the radio, I can usually keep up with ol’ Vanilla. Most people don’t consider…if you rap really fast, without a chance to inhale, you could pass out and hit your head….I do have a suggestion for you. Since you are accustomed to danger, from your life as an international rapper, I am strongly encouraging you immediately abandon you career as a super star and join the military. When the Taliban starts shooting at you, perhaps you could stand up and let the words flow. It could be something like “I’m Kanye West, wearing a flak vest.” You could quite possibly end all wars, just from the enemy being star-struck.

Read the full letter here. Yes, he tells Kanye to check himself before he wrecks himself.

Seems like a lot of people agree with Chief Oliver, as the letter has been shared over 93,000 times on Facebook. Burns unit for Kanye.

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