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This girl's careless Facebook post cost her father $80,000

Lesson: Do not brag on Facebook. Ever.

Image: PA Archive/Press Association Images

BRAGGING ON FACEBOOK and Twitter is probably one of the worst social media offences there is, so seeing a bragger get their comeuppance is deliciously satisfying.

This girl will certainly be thinking more about what she says online, as she recently cost her father an extremely pricey court settlement – by showing off about it on Facebook.

The Miami Herald reports that her father, Patrick Snay, had sued Gulliver Preparatory School in Miami, Florida for age discrimination after he lost his job as headmaster.

The school agreed to settle the case for $80,000 – with a stipulation that the family were to keep the details private.

Unfortunately the gravity of this did not seem to dawn on the Snays’ daughter, who according to CNN took to Facebook to brag about the money to her 1,200 friends:

Mama and Papa Snay won the case against Gulliver. Gulliver is now officially paying for my vacation to Europe this summer. SUCK IT.

The post made its way through Gulliver students and back to the school’s lawyers – they wasted no time taking it to the court, which promptly threw out the settlement.

Leaving aside the trip to Europe, which is doubtlessly off the table – we’re sure this girl will never, ever be let near social media again. Probably for the best.

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