DID YOU STRUGGLE to climb out of bed this morning? Make it into work with about a minute to spare?
Chances are you weren’t the only one.
Everyone would love a few precious extra minutes in the sack, but sometimes you can get too much of a good thing.
Here are the harrowing stages you’ll go through when you sleep through your alarm:
1. Blissful ignorance
There’s nothing like waking up feeling incredibly well rested right?
You must have slept REALLY well during those allotted hours. The fact that your alarm clock hasn’t even gone off yet is an added bonus.
Hmm, wonder what time it is?
2. Sheer horror
Well, that explains it.
3. Confusion
How did this happen? You set FOUR alarms. FOUR.
How on EARTH are they all off? Have you actually learned to disable every last one in your sleep?
Or is something VERY fishy going on in your house?
4. Panic
What should you do? Will you ring the boss? Could you still make it in on time?
Sure maybe they haven’t even noticed you’re not there yet…
Too late.
Did anyone wake the kids for school?
5. Disorientation
It’s at times like these – when you’re so flustered you can barely concentrate – that pretty much anything that can go wrong will go wrong.
You can’t find the car keys, your phone goes for a walk, and those clothes you laid out last night aren’t even suitable for the weather.
There isn’t even time to have a shower or get breakfast. HOW are you supposed to get your head together?
6. Frustration
You’re now in the process of rushing to work but it feels as though the whole world is out to get you.
There’s no sign of that bus or train they said was coming in five minutes, the traffic is ridiculously heavy and a journey that should take about 40 minutes feels several hours long.
Meanwhile, you’ve got a niggling feeling that you forgot something when you were rushing out the door…
7. Mortification
Nothing says good morning like rushing into the office late and red faced.
Making the apologies isn’t any easier when you’re paranoid that everyone thinks you’re late because you’ve been out the night before.
They MUST have slept it out once or twice before themselves, right?
8. Temporary relief
Look, you’ve made it and you’re 100% ready to get down to business. Nothing is going to stop you from making up for those lost hours.
Now, if only you could remember what you did with your phone…
9. Surrender
Yep. You forgot it. AND that tasty lunch you spent a full 30 minutes preparing last night.
Don’t even bother worrying about the odd socks, it’s just time to admit defeat and have an ugly sob under the table.