Dublin: 10 °C Saturday 1 March, 2025

This 100-year-old woman's reflection on her late husband will make you cry

A heartwarming story for your Wednesday evening.

“WE DIDN’T SAY we were going to get married, we just knew it. It was a meeting of the souls.”

This sad yet charming video was made by Brandon Stanton of the street photography website Humans of New York.

In it, 100-year-old Shirley looks back on her life with her deceased husband, Moe, and the love they shared. We challenge you not to be moved by her memories.

Source: Brandon Stanton/YouTube

Moe, what will I do without you?
Take the love you have for me, and spread it around. There beauty is found.

Who’s chopping onions, for God’s sake?

via Buzzfeed

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