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This guy dumped his girlfriend via Instagram hashtag

#you’redumped #breakup #ihateyousomuchrightnow

USED TO BE that the worst way to get dumped was by text message, or over the phone.

The impersonality of that method pales in comparison to the heartless way this guy decided to break up with his girlfriend – via Instagram hashtag.

Firstly, he created a “before and after” collage made of one picture of himself and his girlfriend together, and one picture with her cropped out.

The final, devastating touch was in the use of a hashtag, #TransformationTuesday, to signal to his girlfriend that their relationship was over.

She wasn’t expecting it, to say the least. You can see her reaction in the comments below the picture.

instagrambreakup Source: Uproxx

There’s added burn factor once you realise that #TransformationTuesday is normally used for people to label shots of positive lifestyle changes – weight loss, new hair cut, etc.

We don’t know what to say about this, so we’ll leave it to Cher Horowitz:

f160d59d1f8f39ae2e458d06ddc03b09 Source: Pinimg

via Uproxx

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