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The Notebook is 10 years old! Here's why it's stood the test of time

The girls’ night favourite was released a decade ago today. Just let that sink in.

“IF YOU’RE A bird, I’m a bird.”

The Notebook was released 10 years ago today – we know, when did we all get so old? The romantic drama, based on a book by Nicholas Sparks, still has a firm place in the hearts of women all across the world.

But how? The answers are very simple.

1. It’s a weepy for the ages

thenoteboook Source: Imgur

Every generation needs a good weepy. The ’90s had Titanic, the ’00s had The Notebook. IT JUST MAKES SENSE.

2. The chemistry between Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams

SAG Awards Press Room Source: AP/Press Association Images

Their on-screen love translated into a real-life relationship that lasted two years. When they broke up, Ryan reportedly said:

I mean, God bless The Notebook. It introduced me to one of the great loves of my life. But people do Rachel and me a disservice by assuming we were anything like the people in that movie. Rachel and my love story is a hell of a lot more romantic than that.


The DVD even had a whole featurette centred around their chemistry. We kid you not.

Source: iryangosling/YouTube

3. The story is still inspiring couples today

Just look at these gorgeous engagement photos inspired by the film. CUTE.

notebook_blushing-bride-studio-summer-engagement-(37) Source: Bridalguide.com

4. That kiss scene

Ah god.

Source: MOVIECLIPS/YouTube

At the 2005 MTV Movie Awards, Rachel and Ryan recreated the kiss, to the delight of Notebook fans.

Source: lilwilloughby121/YouTube

5. Ryan Gosling

The Notebook was the film that helped propel Ryan Gosling into the female consciousness.

'The Ides of March' Premiere - Beverly Hills Source: Matt Sayles/PA Wire

For that, we thank The Notebook. Thank you so much.

crazystupidlove-ryangosling-portable Source: Wordpress

Oh! Good lord. How did that get there? What a terrible, terrible mistake.

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