Dublin: 8 °C Monday 24 February, 2025

Grown man gets hilariously stuck in baby's high chair

Poor Darren.

GETTING INTO A high chair may seem like a gas idea, but it suddenly stops being gas and quickly becomes a nightmare when you find yourself totally stuck inside one, unable to get out of it.

That’s what happened to this British man named Darren who climbed into one and got hilariously stuck, much to the amusement of his friends. (There may have been drink taken.)

As his friends watch him walk around the restaurant trapped inside a baby’s chair, they do what any friends would do and decide to further his humiliation. “Take your jeans off,” they suggest.

And since you’ll probably listen to any suggestion if you think it will help emancipate you from the high chair you’re now stuck in, Darren does exactly that.

Watch for yourself below.

Source: Infinite Stupidity/YouTube

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About the author:

Amy O'Connor

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