YESTERDAY, CNN COVERED the leaked celebrity nudes and brought on a technology analyst by the name of Brett Larson to break all this tech jargon down for the layman.
Only problem is that CNN are very confused by the whole situation and seem to think that 4Chan, the website which played a pivotal role in disseminating the photos, is a person.
As in, the anchor literally opens the segment by posing the question, “Who is this 4Chan person?” and Larson responds by saying, “He may have just been a system administrator.”
Larson then went on to give some advice such as making your password more secure by changing it from ‘password’ to ‘pa$$word’. (“Change the ‘s’ to a dollar sign,” he advises.)
Naturally, the segment was subjected to infinite ridicule.
Poor CNN. All they want to is catch this 4Chan guy.