A WOMAN CAN now proudly call Robert Pattinson her husband. Well, almost.
Lauren Adkins, 25, an art student from Las Vegas, pledged to wed a cardboard cut out of R Pattz (as Edward Cullen) as a performance art project for her Masters thesis.
She began a crowdfunding campaign back in September of 2012, raising $1235 of her $2500 goal before it closed a month later.
She describes the project thus:
This work focuses on the female escapist fantasy in its most popular forms – primarily finding ‘true love – and the extent to which it seeps into our real lives…
Because of personal attachment to and experience with this fantasy or quest, which took a particularly strong hold of me when I discovered the intensely popular Twilight Saga, my thesis is going to touch on romantic expectation primarily through… Edward Cullen.
So she married a cardboard cut out of Edward Cullen, in a $2000 Vegas wedding. FOR ART!
A year on, and the pair are still going strong – as Lauren tells the Mirror:
People might think I’m crazy but my flat-pack R-Pattz is the closest I’ll get to the real thing, and he’s the one for me.
We reckon she’s spoofing a little bit here. But good on you, Lauren.