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Man cleared of 'extreme porn' charge after 'tiger' revealed to be man in costume

The prosecutors only realised their mistake when they heard the man say “That’s grrrreat”, just like Tony the Tiger.

A person in a tiger costume.
A person in a tiger costume.
Image: Flickr/melodramababs

A MAN WRONGLY accused of owning a video of a woman having sex with a tiger is trying to change the law on ‘extreme porn’ in the UK.

Andrew Holland from Wales was arrested back in 2009 after being sent a clip that allegedly featured a woman having sex with a wild animal.

After six months on bail (during which he became a target for vigilantes) Holland was cleared of all charges when the prosecutors realised the ‘tiger’ was a man in a costume.

According to the Independent, the investigators realised their mistake when they listened closely and heard the man use Kelloggs mascot Tony the Tiger’s catchphrase, “That’s grrrrrrrreat.”

Holland is now seeking a change in the law to prevent “harmless but crude jokes” like this one from ending in prosecution. He told the Independent of the abuse he received after the charges went public:

I lost my job, I had to move and I ended up having a heart attack with all the stress of it. People were ringing me in the middle of the night. Three young lads turned up at my door and were calling me everything. I was threatened on more than one occasion.

The New York Daily News reports that Holland’s legal team are willing to go all the way to the British High Court to seek a judicial review.

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