Dublin: 10 °C Thursday 27 February, 2025

'Comfort food' does not actually comfort you

So says a new study. And we must scream.

Image: Flickr/Jasmine

THE WHOLE CONCEPT of comfort food is a lie. Let’s just let that sink in for a moment.

New research published in the Health Psychology journal has found that traditional comfort food doesn’t improve a bad mood.

In fact, people who don’t comfort themselves with food are likely to battle their way out of a fouler at the same time as someone who loads up on chocolate/pizza/beige food (pick your poison).

In the study, participants were asked to watch an 18-minute video guaranteed to make them anxious, afraid or depressed. Then they were given either their preferred comfort food, a granola bar, or absolutely sod all.

The result? Everyone felt grand after a short period of time, thanks to what the researchers call our ‘psychological immune system’.

And here’s the damning conclusion:

You don’t need comfort food to feel better, the mind will do the trick all on its own if you give it time.

*puts down bowl of cheesy pasta* *weeps*

via Spring.org.uk

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