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12 New Year's resolutions every 20-something should make

The time has come.

TWENTY-SOMETHINGS! IT’S time to have a good long think about your lives, and how you would all like to proceed in 2015.

Let us help you a little bit, with 12 resolutions to ponder and perhaps adopt.

1. I will own my guilty pleasures

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Watch multiple episodes of Toddlers and Tiaras, listen to The Bee Gees and read a trashy novel, all at the same time! IT’S YOUR LIFE.

As the wise philosopher Taylor Swift once said: “The haters gonna hate hate hate hate hate…”

2. I will stop stalking people on social media (as much)

It’s only a matter of time before you embarrass yourself by accidentally ‘liking’ a years-old photo, if you haven’t done it already. 

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3. I will give FOMO the heave-ho


You are definitely not missing anything.

4. I will get a pair of proper shoes to walk to work in

shutterstock_113588881 Source: Shutterstock/Artens

See all those people walking in the mornings, carrying their work shoes in a little bag? Good god, it’s so uncool.

But you have to admit, they have the right idea. And their feet are probably blister-free. unlike yours.

5. I will rethink my Snapchat game

snapchat Source: Brainstorm Digital

Listen: No one is watching all 220 seconds of your Story. And no one really appreciates the hourly selfies, either. Sorry.

6. I will stop pretending I know anything about that cool new TV show/band/book

giphy Source: Giphy

It’s actually OK to admit you know nothing about the latest cultural sensation! Really.

7. I will finally figure out my washing machine

cat-attacks-washing-machine-o Source: Gifsoup

Or any other household appliance you still haven’t wrapped your head around yet.

What are all the buttons for? Why do my whites never get properly white? These questions must be answered.

8. I will say “We should meet up for coffee sometime!”… and I will mean it

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A revolutionary idea. But genuinely, it would be a nice thing to do.

9. I will do away with The Pile

It’s time.

10. I will be less envious of those younger and more successful than I

42nd Annual American Music Awards - Los Angeles Source: AP/Press Association Images

Ed Sheeran, Lorde, Jennifer Lawrence. All under 25, all very successful.

As your mother would say: Don’t mind them.

11. I will be nice to myself

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You’re grand. Remember that.

12. And I will stop going to Coppers

copper-face-jacks-nightclubs-3-630x437 Source: Mark Stedman/Photocall Ireland

For the good of your health (and also your wealth).

More: 10 people who have already broken their New Year’s Resolutions>

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