AN AD FOR a Canadian university has been criticised for featuring a scene in which two students get a little hot and heavy in the library.
Faculty members at the University of Moncton have deemed the ad “pathetic” and stated that the promotional video resembles an ad for beer.
The 30-second ad depicts numerous aspects of college life, including a brief glimpse at a couple kissing in the library.
Marie-Noëlle Ryan, the president of the university’s professors’ and librarians’ association, worried about the message the ad could send to prospective students.
It’s the way it’s like selling the university, like it’s a beer product. And it’s not that way that you will recruit serious students and people who really want to learn and have good diplomas.
The ad has prompted much debate in Canada about whether or not the ad is inappropriate.
For its part, the university stands by the ad.
Watch it for yourself below and see what all the hooplah is about.