OUR VERY OWN Supermac’s is making attempts to set up shop outside Ireland, and McDonald’s isn’t happy about it.
Supermac’s is currently trying to get a Europe-wide trademark, but McD’s has filed a complaint saying the names of the two fast food chains were too similar. It claims the word “super” would make people think that the Irish company has a better product.
Well, you see McDonald’s… That’s actually true. Let us explain.
1. The chip offerings are frankly better
Firstly, there are the thick-cut chips. More potato = more chip = more deliciousness.
Then, there’s the huge variety of toppings – ‘taco’, garlic sauce, cheese, coleslaw, curry… Does McDonald’s do that? HMM?
2. One word: Snackbox
Oh yeah.
3. There’s proper* breakfast food
Few other fast food chains would serve you up a real fry of a morning. Egg McMuffin? Nah, you’re grand.
*Proper breakfast food relative to a fast food chain, obviously
4. In the battle of the jingles, Supermacs wins every time
“Tasty and tempting food at… *longest pause ever* Supermacs!”
I’m Loving It doesn’t even compare, when you think about it.
5. McDonald’s isn’t there waiting for you in Heuston Station, like a friend
It’s just a fact.
6. The soakage factor is second to none
McDonald’s rarely cuts it after a night out.
7. The selection is generally much better
Craving a burger AND a slice of pizza, and maybe a 99? At Supermac’s, you can have all of that. Beautiful.
8. It’s Irish
Get off of our patch, Ronald McDonald.