JARED LETO HAS been sporting a glorious mane for quite some time now.
Here he is with his Oscar.
See? Such luscious, well-conditioned locks.
And now? Now it’s gone.
Letois poised to star in Suicide Squad and yesterday, director David Ayer tweeted this photo of a scissors hovering in the vicinity of Leto’s ponytail.
People were initially unclear as to who the owner of the ponytail was, but Ayer later confirmed it was Leto when he tweeted this photo of a clean-shaven Leto sans his signature hair.
The world immediately went into mourning.
There were genuine tears.
And the loss of the man bun was too great for some.
Leto hasn’t commented on the hair transformation himself, save for retweeting Ayer’s photo. But he did tweet this close-up of his eye.
Gone but never forgotten.