MAYBE WE DON’T give Apple enough credit. Their products can take some serious beatings, as it turns out.
This iPod was lost around two and a half years ago, but discovered the other day wedged in a toaster. We know – what?!
The owner, Redditor bigphillypdx, posted a picture of the frazzled device on the site yesterday:
As you can see, apart from a burned screen and a few missing buttons, the iPod is in full working order.
We have but one question – HOW did the owner not smell the burning plastic? They’ve tried to explain how an iPod can lie in a toaster for two years, undisturbed:
When I was moving, I threw all my last minute items in a box. I assume that somehow during the transport the iPod ended up in the toaster… One day I decided to clean out the crumbs at the bottom, and voila! A melted iPod.
H/T Metro