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This tortoise got a brand new 3D-printed shell after her own one was damaged

Her name is Cleopatra, and she looks fierce.

WE’VE SEEN 3D-printed harnesses for animals born without legs, but how about a 3D-printed tortoise shell?

A group of kind college students made this teenaged tortoise a stylish new shell after her old one was damaged.

According to The Denver Post, Cleopatra suffers from pyramiding, a condition where parts of her shell grow upwards in a pyramid shape.

It usually happens when a tortoise is not well cared for, and can make it hard for them to right themselves if they get flipped over – but it also has potentially life-threatening consequences.

After the malnourished tortoise was taken in by animal rescue, students at Colorado Technical University came up with a solution to her problem – a 3D printed shell that fit over her real one.

Now she can easily right herself after being overturned, and is protected from any infections.

Aw. :’)

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