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7 internet Easter eggs that will completely zap your productivity

No need to worry about your figure, though.

EASTER IS JUST around the corner, and that means one thing – chocolate. But even if you don’t have a sweet tooth, there are some other Easter eggs you can try.

The only thing it’ll cost you is your time. Sure why would you want to actually ‘get stuff done’ anyway?

Play the T Rex game on Google Chrome

You know that little dinosaur that pops up when Chrome can’t connect to the internet? The one that makes you want to throw your whole computer into the bin?

9oO7aQ9 Source: omgchrome.com

If and when that terrible vision appears, tap the space bar (or tap on him, if on mobile) to guide him through an endless running game. Genius.

Try out the Konami code

ukoakeaster Source: UK Oak Doors

Entering the Konami code (Up-Up-Down-Down-Left-Right-Left-Right-B-A) on many websites unlocks loads of craic, for example:

  • BuzzFeed changes to SlothFeed;
  • Vogue is overrun by dinosaurs;
  • And UK Oak Doors shows you a different pop culture door every time. Cute.



The 404 pagefor this Norweigan design agency’s website contains a delightful Space Invaders-style game.

Dodge the red lightning bolts for as long as you can, OR ELSE.

Mesmerise yourself with Bloomberg’s looping error pages

For a serious business website, Bloomberg has some strange 404 and 500 pages.


We do not know who designed these, but we certainly want to give them a pat on the back.

Have a poke around the Tardis

tardisbox Source: Google Maps

If you search for ‘police box’ in Google Maps, it’ll bring you to Earl’s Court Road in London, where you will see a blue telephone box.

Click the X on the ground in front of the police box and bam - you’re in the Tardis. No sign of the Doctor, though.

Stroll up Diagon Alley

diagonalley Source: Google Maps

Similarly, searching the coordinates 51.693214,-0.41963699999996606 takes you straight to Diagon Alley – well, the set of Diagon Alley at the Harry Potter Studio tour in London.

Wander up and down the alley, have a gawk in shop windows, basically live your dream.

Atari Breakout

Here’s one thing you can be sure of: Google is hell bent on taking up all of your time.

atari breakout Source: Google

Simply open up Google Image Search, type in ‘Atari Breakout’, and lose hours to the dastardly game.

YouTube’s contribution to April Fools’ Day is a joy to behold>

You can now play Pacman through the streets of Ireland>

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