AS ANYONE WHO frequents the M50 will know, it can be a challenging experience.
In fact, it’s an emotional rollercoaster.
1. The absolute contempt you feel for other drivers
As yet another person tries to overtake you or fails to indicate, you get more and more convinced that none of these people actually know how to drive.
There may be some cursing and swearing.
2. Being weirdly impressed with your ability to swear
“Ooh, that was a good one.”
- You, after cursing at the guy who just was doing 5mph on the bloody M50.
3. That feeling in the pit of your stomach when you see this
Oh, wonderful. It’s not like I have anywhere to be or anything.
4. When you realise, no, you don’t need an eye test and, yes, that does say slow for 27 KM
5. The stress of having to remember to actually pay the toll
You should really just get “pay toll” tattooed on your hand and be done, tbh.
6. And the regret you feel that one time you neglect to pay
7. The feeling that you could definitely be doing something better with your time
The M50 Ruined My Life: A Memoir.
8. The sense of dejection after you try to calculate how many hours of your life you’ve spent stuck on the M50
As you stare wistfully at the truck parked in front of you…
9. And the disappointment when you realise it doesn’t have to be this way
“10 min without traffic”
:( :( :(