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7 fast food places we need in Ireland right this minute

Krispy Kreme! *shakes fist*

YESTERDAY, IRISH doughnut fans discovered that Krispy Kreme has no plans to begin trading in Ireland. And why not, we ask?

There are some small mercies (the renowned Five Guys Burgers and Fries IS coming to Dublin, thankfully) but for the most part we can only dream of foods like these.

Krispy Kreme

It goes without saying.

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Are you listening, Krispy Kreme overlords? There are a lot of very disappointed people over here.

Pret a Manger

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All your mates who emigrated to the UK definitely talk about ‘Pret’ a lot. It might be a snazzier O’Briens Sandwich Bar, but we’re curious.


This Mexican restaurant has people constantly pining for it on Twitter. WE WANT TO TRY.

Tweet by @Teala Dunn Source: Teala Dunn/Twitter

Plus, it spawned this amazing Vine, so it can’t be terrible:


So special that they’re only available in certain states, In-N-Out burgers are the stuff of legend.

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Ask anyone who did a J1 in California. They’ll know.

Ben’s Cookies

Another food place with cult-like status in the UK. Get in our bellies.

Tim Horton’s

Sure, you can get certain Tim Horton’s products in petrol stations around Ireland – but anyone who has been to Canada will tell you that is incomparable to the full Horton’s experience.

Taco Bell

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What is it about this particular grease-merchant that holds us in thrall?

Even more curious is its close, but lesser-spotted relation, the Kentaco Hut (KFC, Taco Bell, and Pizza Hut under one roof. Yes, they exist).

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