Dublin: 10 °C Monday 10 March, 2025

The Top 10 at 10: Friday

Ten things that made people smile today.

henryburrows Source: Henry Burrows/Flickr

EVERY EVENING before 10pm, we bring you the best things that made people smile today – as covered on DailyEdge.ie and elsewhere. Stand by for the Top 10 at 10.

1. An Irish photographer snapped this incredible shot of two girls kissing in front of a No campaigner and it was wonderful.

2.We rounded up photos that will make every Irish person feel uncomfortable. Get ready to squirm. 

3. This stoner’s to-do list will make you feel ultra productive.

4. We were unreasonably impressed with this cockatoo’s ability to mosh. Seriously, he’s properly moshing.

Source: Mark Muldoon/YouTube

5. This excellent new blog chronicles people not getting jokes on the internet. Because not everyone can be on your level.

6. Aidan Gillen urged Irish people to “vote Yes for every LGBT child growing up in Ireland, for their future” in the forthcoming referendum. And his accent didn’t even change once.

7. That sweet, blissful feeling when you realise it’s a Bank Holiday, though.


8. A Dublin gaming shop debuted its new equality shutter and it was <3.

9. When you try and say “food truck” and it doesn’t go to plan… on live TV.

10.  In case it makes you feel better, even Jesus got burned by How-Old.net:

About the author:

Amy O'Connor

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