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8 reasons why getting the ride is actually good for you

As if you needed another excuse.

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WE ALL KNOW that getting the ride is a wonderful way to spend your time.

But did you know it’s also good for you?

1. It can help you fight off pesky colds

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Do you often find yourself coming down with bouts of the sniffles? There might be a cure.

A study found that people who frequently had sex had higher levels of immunoglobulin A, an antibody that helps the body fight off clothes.

People who had sex once or twice a week had 30% more igA than people who had less sex and people who had sex more often than that.

You know what to do.

2. It could literally prolong your life

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A 25-year study conducted at Duke University concluded that the more often men had sex, the longer they lived. Meanwhile, women who are content with their sex lives can expect to live seven to eight years longer than those who are nonplussed.

3. It gives you a radiant glow that’ll make you look younger than your years

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A study from Dr. David Weeks found that couples who had sex three times a week looked 10 years younger than the average adult.

Pleasure derived from sex is a crucial factor in preserving youth. It makes us happy and produces chemicals telling us so.

Regular nookie also promotes the release of estrogen, which can lead to soft skin and shiny hair.


4. It helps you cope better with stress

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Prone to being a bit of a worry wart? Carry a stress ball with you everywhere you go?

It turns out that sex is as good a means of coping with stress as any. According to a 2005 study, those who regularly have sex experience smaller spikes in blood pressure and can recover more quickly in stressful situations.

Just something to bear in mind before your next morning presentation.

5. Your chances of having a heart attack are greatly decreased

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Well, for lads anyway.

Researchers recently found that men who had sex two times a week were less likely to display signs of heart disease than their less sexually active peers. 45% less likely, to be specific.

6. It totally counts as exercise

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Actual exercise!

A study from 2013 found that the average energy expenditure during a typical, ahem, session was 85 kCals and concluded that “sexual activity may potentially be considered, at times, as a significant exercise”.

Cancel the gym membership.

7. It might legitimately make you smarter

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Two separate studies from 2013 found that sexual activity boosted the learning and memory skills in both rats and mice, leading scientists to conclude that regular sexual activity might actually help make you smarter.

8. It’s a proven painkiller

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If you have a headache, sex is probably the last thing on your mind. But scientists reckon that it can be an effective painkiller.

A study carried out by University of Munster, Germany, found that sexual activity helped ease or even eliminate the symptoms of migraine and cluster headaches.

Our results show that sexual activity during a migraine attack might relieve or even stop an attack in some cases, and that sexual activity in the presence of headache is not an unusual behaviour.

Despite this scientific research, however, we do not recommend suggesting sex to your partner if he/she has a migraine.

It will be about as welcome as a fart in a space suit.

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About the author:

Amy O'Connor

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