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Dublin: 7 °C Monday 24 February, 2025

18 photos that will make your ovaries explode

D’aww. :’)

1. This photo of David Beckham with his daughter Harper

Possibly my favourite picture of Harper of all time... 4 beautiful years with the most amazing little girl... Happy birthday big girl... ❤️ Source: davidbeckham

2. These tiny little shoes in a tiny little shoebox

CKssdhTUEAEDRen Source: Mackenzie Levy/Twitter

3. This patient dog bottle-feeding a hungry lamb!!!

giphy (18) Source: ohmagif

4. This photo of Prince George kissing his little sister’s head <3

Royal baby Source: PA Wire/PA Images

5. This adorable cat in a sock <3 <3 <3

BJ3LvvcCQAABIpl Source: Indira Darling/Twitter

6. This photo of two superheroes with a happy little tyke

7. This GIF of Jay-Z marching around with Blue Ivy on his shoulders

giphy (19) Source: Gifhell

8. This cat trying to cheer a dog up

IAA6xsE Source: Imgur

9. This baby hanging out with his pal

giphy (22) Source: Giphy

10. This cat snuggling with his beloved teddy bear

N8NXafq Source: Imgur

11. This pig getting a bubble bath

GZ2q1oq Source: Imgur

12. Oh my God, stop.

Baby bear!! Source: Imgur

13.  A baby burrito!!!

Burrito Baby Source: Imgur

14. This gentle dog with his gang of birds

RpikbHf Source: Imgur

15. And hanging out with his hamster pal

2g33bRf Source: Imgur

16. A puppy cooling down with an ice-cold can of pope


17. And these chicks warming up next to a cup of coffee

oPis3xl Source: Imgur

18. And don’t forget this baby laughing as a cat tickles its feet

VZO8yR7 Source: Imgur

21 acts of kindness to animals that will restore your faith in humanity >

8 school tours that could only have happened in Ireland >

About the author:

Amy O'Connor

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