IS THERE ANYTHING more enjoyable than reading a celebrity’s Wikipedia entry?
We think not.
Especially when you stumble across gems like this…
1. This stunning revelation on Glenda Gilson’s Wikipedia
2. This explanation of Martin King’s name
3. This surprising factoid about what Cian Healy gets up to in his spare time
4. This secret ambition that Daniel O’Donnell has been harbouring all these years…
5. This rather bold statement on Derek Mooney’s Wikipedia
At least two, but we can never be sure of how many more lives Derek Mooney may have saved.
6. This fascinating tale of beef between Kathryn Thomas and Alabama 3
7. This haunting description of Colm Tóibín’s work conditions
8. This spooky account of Bill Cullen’s birth
9. And this classic Enya response…