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Is Sunday the worst day of the week?

Even worse than Monday.

WE CAN ALL agree that some days of the week are just plain old bad.

Tuesdays, for instance, are a waste of time. And Monday’s only saving grace is that University Challenge is on. (Loveday!)

But the worst day of the week? That’s Sunday.

But Sunday can’t be the worst day of the week! It’s a weekend day, after all.

giphy (22)

We hear what you’re saying, but we’re going to respectfully disagree.

In theory, Sunday is a day intended for rest and relaxation. Society (and “The Man”) would have you believe that it’s a day where you eat an Instagrammable fry, peruse the Sunday newspapers at your leisure and go for a refreshing walk on the beach.

This is a fallacy.

Explain yourself.



Boring, depressing, gloomy — these are just some of the anecdotes Google Autofill uses to describe Sundays.

You see, Sunday might technically fall on a weekend, but there’s nothing fun or cheery about them. Unless you love watching Antiques Roadshow with a bad hangover while the prospect of work the next day hangs over you like a dark cloud, that is.

Ah here, Sundays aren’t that bad.

giphy (24) Source: Giphy

Oh, are you saying that you enjoy these activities?

  • Waking up with a really dry mouth. 
  • Going to Mass just because you can’t be arsed fighting with your mother.
  • Watching a Come Dine With Me omnibus because you’re too hungover/incapacitated to move from the couch.
  • Feeling guilty about watching Come Dine With Me and getting melancholy about wasting a day.
  • Buying a newspaper and not really reading it and feeling guilty when you throw it out the following week.
  • Fretting about work and figuring out what day you’re going to call Irish Water.

Well, no.

And don’t even get us started on the pressure to have a “lovely Sunday”.

Scroll through Instagram and the sight of perfect breakfasts on perfect plates on perfect tablecloths is enough to fill you with crippling anxiety that you’re wasting your life/not eating enough avocados.

#sundaybrunch Source: vikatheone


But it’s a day off work — surely that counts for something?

We will concede that Sunday morning lie-ins are good (unless you have kids, of course, in which case they’re non-existent) but as the day progresses, Sunday begins to feel less like a proper day off and more like purgatory.

You can’t really go out as you’re possibly hungover and it’s a school night, meaning that any pints you consume will come with a side order of guilt.

And you’re acutely aware that this is your last chance to do all that shite you’ve been meaning to get around to — the wash, the big shop, cleaning — before you’re back to work and too tired to do anything.

It’s stressful.

But that’s just, like, your opinion, man.

Can all these people be wrong?

As the great Alan Partridge once said…

Sunday Bloody Sunday. Really encapsulates the frustration of a Sunday. You wake up in the morning, you’ve got to read all the Sunday papers, the kids are running around. You’ve got to mow the lawn, wash the car and you think, ‘Sunday bloody Sunday!’

partridge Source: YouTube

Nailed it, Alan.

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About the author:

Amy O'Connor

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