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What If Instagram Was Actually Like Real Life?

Let’s just say your #IWokeUpLikeDis selfies wouldn’t be so glam.

AS WE ALL know, Instagram can be a bit… misleading.

But what if Instagram actually resembled real life? What would it look like then?


On Instagram…

Your nails are pristine and perfect.

“What’s this? Oh, just a casual shot of my nails, which look like little pumpkins in time for Halloween. It took me, like, five minutes. It wasn’t a big deal at all.”

Daisy manicure for #goldenglobes! By @tombachik Source: zooeydeschanel

In real life…

Your nail varnish has completely smudged and you weren’t able to take it off because you (a) don’t have any nail polish remover in the house and (b) you’re actually 10 minutes late for work.

Sunday breakfast

On Instagram…

Oh, I’m just having an actual buffet of aesthetically pleasing foods. You know, like we all do.

Avocados? Check. Fancy toast presented in a handwoven basket? Check. A bowl of yoghurt and honey with blueberries scattered perfectly on top? You betcha.

Source: baiser_25

In real life…

I’m hungover and forgot to do the shop, so I’m having a slice of cold pizza and a cup of tea.


Apenas bom dia #coldpizza #cafe Source: pri9485

Your drink

On Instagram

Look at me — having a classy cocktail and lovin’ life.

Cans? Me? Never.

If it isn’t pink and topped with a selection of summer fruit, I can’t drink it.

Vintage cocktail club - Dublin. . . . . . . #vcc #dublin #ireland #templebar #friends #travel #trip #cocktails #custommade #night #nightout #followme #follow #instagood #instacool #love #beautiful #iphoneonly #like4like Source: yoominyang

In real life

Hello darkness, my old friend…

Me and bae going for a cruise yesterday, #dutchgold #bae #dutch #gold #beer #cans #car Source: jackmorrison201

That candid photo of your dinner

On Instagram

Oh, just a quick photo of my dinner before I tuck in. I definitely didn’t experiment with filters or take seven different photos or anything.

Food porn O'clock!! #chilternfirehouse #anniversary #foodporn #heaven #delicious Source: jharrison1512

In real life

“One sec, just need to take an aerial shot of my dinner!”

Post-exercise selfie

On Instagram

Here I am, feeling really replenished after my gym workout.

No, I don’t sweat or get redfaced. And I don’t know how my make-up stays intact because I certainly don’t reapply it before taking a selfie! I guess I’m just #blessed.

Instagram photo by King Kylie * Sep 7, 2015 at 3:20am UTC Source: kyliejenner

In real life


tumblr_mlo4koVqaF1snv6v6o1_400 Source: Tumblr

A morning selfie

On Instagram

I actually got up half an hour and freshened myself up before hopping back into bed to take a “I woke up like dis” selfie.

#WAKEUPCALL Text SYRIA to 70007 (& donate £5). It's for the 6.5 Million Syrian children effected by conflict (via #UNICEF) Source: iamnaomicampbell

In real life

Nobody look at me until I’ve had my coffee.

My cat is a bit crazy looking in the morning Source: Imgur

The 10 Rules of the Irish Biscuit Tin >

About the author:

Amy O'Connor

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