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12 headlines guaranteed to make every woman foam at the mouth

A million ughs.

1. “So gals, you’re going to outer space. Em… will you miss having foundation?”

famel Source: iflscience

Eye Roll Animated GIF Source: Giphy

2. Ladies, we need to steal men’s brains. We’ll never make it with our own crumby brains.

men Source: Daily Mail

Yosub Animated GIF Source: Giphy

3. Right so.

fracking Source: Telegraph

giphy (13) Source: yougottabesonice/Tumblr

4. Tim.

women Source: Independent

Kim Kardashian Animated GIF Source: Giphy

5. Tell that to Hillary.

ti Source: Variety

Mashable Source: Giphy

6. “SI Swimsuit model” — don’t you mean UFC fighter?

swimsuit Source: Sports Illustrated

Ufc Animated GIF Source: Giphy

7. “As she discusses women’s rights” — But first let’sanalyse her clothes!

gemma Source: Daily Mail

What Animated GIF Source: Giphy

8. “Cameron’s cuties”

cameron Source: Daily Mail

giphy (14) Source: shitonthesewallsray/Tumblr

9. What year is it again?

funny Source: News.com.au

giphy (15) Source: mcbrayers/Tumblr

10. Good thing gals have men around to tell them what they should/shouldn’t wear!

foxnews Source: QZ

giphy (16) Source: VH1/Tumblr

11. Oh, okay then.

catcall Source: New York Post

Facepalm Animated GIF Source: Giphy

12. And lastly, there are no words.

womeen Source: New York Post

giphy (17) Source: vaingloriouz/Tumblr

A message to lads who ‘don’t like’ when girls drink pints >

About the author:

Amy O'Connor

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