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8 decadent ways to have your Easter egg for breakfast

Only serious chocolate lovers need apply.

IT’S EASTER SUNDAY, and you know what that means – chocolate for breakfast (and lunch and dinner, but that’s another story).

Maybe you like eating your Easter eggs the normal way, but if you’re up for experimenting, here’s what you can do.

Have some Easter egg pancakes

Chocolate everywhere! Sunday's pancakes Source: Instagram/runforsun

1) Melt the chocolate. 2) Drizzle it all over your pancakes. 3) Profit.

Or Easter eggy French toast

Drizzle Easter egg chocolate everywhere. Just do it. Recipe for chocolatey French toaster batter here.

Or a Creme Egg crepe

Switch your regular crepe filling for a gooey, melty Creme Egg and you’re in business. Recipe here.

Creme Egg and soliders

Take it back to your childhood. Recipe for fancy brioche soldiers here. but you can do regular toast if you wanna.

Easter egg porridge

Belebender Schokoladen-Porridge mit #koawach - super lecker, gesund und zuckerfrei Source: Instagram/lisa.happy_healthy_fit

If you really can’t give up the porridge for the day… Use cocoa powder to flavour it, then crumble some Easter egg all over that baby. Aw yisss. Recipe here.

A toasted chocolate and banana sandwich

Happy #ValentinesDay! Banana and dark chocolate toastie pre workout this morning #eathealthy #healthyeating #toastie #breakfast #banana #bananatoastie #chocolate #chocolatetoastie #toast #morning #fuel #nutrition #fitness #healthy #healthyfood #balance #fuel #food Source: Instagram/foodiefitnessrach

Getting one of your your five a day and all. Recipe here.

Make an extravagant mocha coffee

Topped with cream and crumbled pieces of Easter egg. Recipe here.

Or just go the whole hog and use it as a cereal bowl

Chocolate cereal is preferable, but we won’t judge you for throwing your regular All-Bran in there.

Now get out and fill yourself to the brim with chocolate. Happy Easter!

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