Dublin: 12 °C Sunday 23 February, 2025

20 ways to spot an Irish person on their holidays

They’ll be complaining about the milk. Always.

1. They will have sunburn where you didn’t think it was possible to be sunburned

2. You will hear hushed conversations about how to tip

3. And loud conversations in broken Irish

4. They will open their suitcases in the airport to reveal a rake of tea bags

5. You will hear them roaring “DOES IT COST YOU TO RING ME? AM I ON ROAMING?” into their phone

6. Followed by “So? How’s the weather at home?”

7. They will be standing in the dairy aisle of supermarket, complaining about the milk

8. And being highly suspicious of the ‘pale’ butter

#milk #dairy #foodporn #supermarketporn #grocerystore #dairyaisle #florescent #lactoseintolerance Source: Instagram/dayosmomiscool

9. They’ll talk about doing fake tan as a ‘base’ for the real tan they hope to acquire

10. You’ll see them comparing the ‘colour’ of their equally milk bottle-hued arms

11. They will have brought an Irish flag specifically to hang from their balcony

12. And speak to the locals VEEERRRY LOUDLY AND SLOOWWLLLY, even though they have perfect English

13. They’ll be ordering Guinness even though they KNOW it won’t be like the Guinness at home

14. Their children will be sitting on a kerb getting the head pulled off them by a friendly local woman (AKA cornrows)

15. You will hear grumbling about ‘the HEAT’

16. And wistful chat about the good spud dinner they’ll get once they’re back home

Let's go!!!! #nationalbeerday #blackstuff #americanguinness #guinness Source: Instagram/lasernasaur

17. They’ll stuff Lays crisps in a roll and call it lunch

18. They’ll swear blind that they won’t go to an Irish pub… then go to an Irish pub

19. The men will try to pull off straw sun hats and fail miserably

20. And, of course, they’ll be wearing these

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17 tweets anyone who’s ever used the Nitelink will appreciate>

This Limerick deli’s ‘breakfast munchie box’ is the stuff of absolute dreams>

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