TLC MADE BRUSHING off creepy lads in the club sound so simple. “No, I don’t want your number/ No, I don’t wanna give you mine.”
That’s fair enough, but more often than not, people take ‘no’ to mean ‘try again’. So how to make it exceptionally clear that you’re not to be bothered? This gal has the answer.
Student Sarah Fitzpatrick informed the Rubberbandits of her plan to text suicide prevention organisation Pieta House off the phones of lads hounding her for her number:
‘Gowl tax’. LOL.
The Rubberbandits thought so highly of her solution that they put it on Facebook, where it has been liked and shared thousands of times.
So guys, gals, and anyone dealing with persistent unwanted attention in da club – consider following Sarah’s lead. Not all heroes wear capes.