1. Having to put up with unadulterated guff like this on Tinder
It would almost make you nostalgic for the more innocent days of lads chatting you up in pubs.
2. Having to regularly delete and reinstall Tinder
You: “That’s it! I’m done with Tinder.”
Two hours later: *reinstalls it out of sheer boredom*
3. When you’re broke and you’re faced with this unthinkable choice…
Do I give up Spotify Premium or Netflix?
This sums up your attitude, really.
4. Reading tweets like this, and feeling both disgusted and horrified
On the one hand, we are offended that you think we’re so vacuous that we can only communicate through text slang and emojis. On the other hand, PLEASE DON’T MENTION PENSIONS TO ME, LA LA LA.
5. All articles about your generation are either about you being f**ked…
Or narcissistic ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
6. This about sums up where millennials think they’re at
- Lost
- Internet
- F**ked
Right so.
7. You’re reasonably confident that you’ll probably never be able to afford a house
Sure, your parents might have bought houses for a pittance back in the day, but times have changed…
8. But looking for a place to rent threatens your sanity
Hey millennials! You know how it seems unlikely that you’ll ever be able to buy a house? Well, we’re now going to start charging €800 per month for the privilege of living in an unheated shed in Rathmines. Hope that’s alright!
- The Irish rental market
9. You’re regularly reminded by your parents that they had three children, a mortgage, a car and seven chickens by the time you were your age
Meanwhile, you consider it an achievement if you’re up before 11am on a Saturday.
10. You’ve gone to more going away parties than you care to remember
“Byeeeee, good luck in London!”
- you, 17 times over the last few years
11. And, if you haven’t emigrated, you’ve likely been pressured by nosy relatives into doing it
“I don’t know what you’re bothered staying here for. If I were young, I’d be off to Australia.”
12. Electric Picnic tickets sell out far faster than they ever did before
God be with the days when you could decide last minute to go to Electric Picnic and be able to get your grubby mitts on a ticket.
13. Being unable to see the stage at a gig because of all your fellow millennials obscuring your view with their phones :(
Please, lads.
14. Having to deal with FOMO on a near constant basis
Sure, previous generations might have listened to stories of great nights out and wished they could have been there. But at least they weren’t confronted with bloody photos, feature film-length Snapchat stories and Facebook statuses about the nights out.
15. And finally… trying to remember how to spell ‘millennial’
Is it two Ls or two Ns?