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A little girl got to meet her favourite binman and it was absolutely precious


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THEY SAY YOU should never meet your heroes, but we think this little girl might disagree.

Brooklyn Andracke, a three-year-old from Bloomington, Illinois, worships her local binman. So much so that Thursday is her favourite day of the week.

In a note written to the City of Bloomington Facebook page, her mother said that Brooklyn waves from the window at the binman every Thursday without fail and he in turn beeps his horn at her.

For about a year now, she has anxiously awaited the garbage truck’s arrival at our house. It started with waving from the window, then we had to try and be outside to wave, and when we missed the truck driving by the house, I’d drive around the neighborhood to find the garbage truck and wave… on our way out the door in the mornings.
Every… Thursday, my heart is full when I see the joy that our amazing garbage man brings Brooklyn when he honks and waves at her with a BIG smile.

And a few weeks ago, Brooklyn finally got to meet her hero.

One morning, Brooklyn and her mother stood on the street corner with a leftover cupcake from her birthday, and called on the binman to stop and come over.

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“Brooklyn was instantly speechless as she handed him the cupcake. I explained to him that he makes our day every Thursday, and we really appreciate the honking and waving, and how special of a day it is for us,” she wrote.

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And it only got better from there.

Then… (melt my heart)… he explained that he looks forward to seeing us every Thursday as well. He said that he has a meeting every Thursday morning and always tries to get out of there in a hurry so that he can make sure to see us every week. He said he doesn’t have any kids of his own, but he mentors several children and just loves them. I can’t believe that I never got his name, so for now he will continue to be “our favorite awesome smiley garbage man”.

Look at her little face!


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The story has since been liked over 18,000 times on Facebook while the binman has since been identified as Delvar Deshawn Dopson.

And the story doesn’t end there — last week, Dopson surprised little Brooklyn with loads of Frozen goodies.

He said he did a little research and knew she liked the movie FROZEN. His wife made this incredible basket full of everything FROZEN, and another full set of FROZEN fun stuff to color, paint and draw with………a little girl’s dream!!!!
I know Brooklyn is so excited to see Delvar and his truck every week, but his kindness towards her has touched my heart in a way I can’t describe. Thursdays ROCK! Thank you, Delvar!

Take a bow, Delvar.

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About the author:

Amy O'Connor

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