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10 facts of life for people who detest coriander


1. Look we’re all for herbs that enhance flavour…

giphy (6) Source: Giphy

2. But coriander totally takes over everything

And not in a good way.

3. It’s the Ray Winstone of herbs, tbh

Coriander comes in, elbows the more subtle guys out of the way and ruins EVERYTHING. 

4. You’re constantly having to pick it out of things

Place coriander belongs:

  • The plot of Earth from which it grew

Places coriander doesn’t belong:


Cip3REpWkAAwIGq Source: Heather Oxley/Twitter

5. The heartbreak of taking a bite of your salad only to discover that there’s loads of coriander in it is a feeling you know all too well

6. The amount of recipes you’ve had to discount because there’s coriander in it, though…

coriander Source: Guardian

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7. It tastes like soap for crying out loud!

Honestly, if you wanted your dinner to taste like soap, you’d squirt some Fairy Liquid in there.

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8. Not to mention it *ruins* guacamole

“How could I ruin the most perfect food of all? Oh, I know, I’ll still a load of bloody coriander in there.”

9. This poem perfectly sums up your feelings

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10. In conclusion, stay out of our food, coriander

You’re not welcome here.

13139267_1726477964267223_5422010123591624601_n Source: I Hate Coriander/Facebook

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About the author:

Amy O'Connor

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