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Listen to a 150,000-strong Glastonbury crowd sing Someone Like You with Adele


Britain Glastonbury Festival Day 2 Source: Jonathan Short/PA Wire

LAST NIGHT, ADELE headlined the Pyramid Stage at Glastonbury, singing to an estimated 150,000 people (with many more watching the BBC’s live broadcast).

Despite being very nervous before the gig, she turned in a typically sweary performance, with the BBC having to warn viewers at home about her potty mouth.

“This is by far the best moment of my life so far,” she told the crowd.

Glastonbury Festival 2016 - Day 2 Source: PA Wire/Press Association Images

After performing a hit-filled hour and a half set, the singer returned to the stage to sing her now-iconic ballad Someone Like You as an encore.

A visibly emotional Adele introduced the song by asking the crowd to sing along, “even if you’re happy”:

I’m happy, I just like to moan.

The audience obliged, and it was absolutely breathtaking:

Can’t see the video? Click here.

Shout out to this gal:

adelecrying Source: Twitter

It’s OK if you’re crying a little bit. You’d have to have a heart of stone not to. And look, all the people watching at home were in bits too…

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More: Some legend has brought a Marty Morrissey flag to Glastonbury>

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