ANYONE WHO HAS given birth will tell you that it can be a glorious, messy thrill ride.
But for some reason, women still don’t really talk about what the aftermath is really like.
This week, Amanda Bacon decided to offer Facebook an “uncensored” look at motherhood and shared this photo of herself.
The photo was taken after the birth of her son seven weeks ago and she wrote:
I’m sharing this picture because it’s real. This is motherhood; it’s raw, stunning, messy, and freaking hilarious all rolled into one. Having a baby is a beautiful experience, and the realities of postpartum life aren’t spoken enough about. And definitely not photographed enough.
Some people probably find this uncomfortable, but why? I seriously don’t get it! It’s probably because this part isn’t talked about. We all should try and educate, empower and embrace every aspect of childbirth, including moments like this. And do it while having a sense of humor. Nothing says welcome to motherhood like an adorable squishy baby, and a giant mom diaper.
The photo, which was posted two days ago, has since garnered over 449,000 likes and 115,000 shares with people taking to the comments to share their memories of ‘giant mom diapers’.
As for Amanda? She took to Facebook yesterday to say she was ‘overcome with joy from all the love, support and kind words’ and shared this photo with her son.
Totally worth wearing a nappy for.