1. Not knowing what size you are anywhere because you seem to be a different size in every shop
Why can’t you just be consistent, guys?
2. The inconsistent lighting in the changing rooms
Sometimes you can look like da bomb.
And other times, it’s much too harsh/unforgiving.
Why can’t you just take your lighting cues from the Snapchat beauty filter, eh?
3. When you try on a top… only to discover that there’s a fake tan stain on it
From the girl who tried it on ahead of you. Heartbreak.
4. Finding a ‘faulty’ item that has been reduced… only to discover that it’s actually in tatters
There’s “faulty” and then there’s “it’s actually a rag with a hole and broken zip”.
Who do you think you’re fooling, lads?
5. Buying something at full price and then walking past a store a few days later to discover that it’s on sale
6. Spotting a nice dress… and then discovering it’s a bloody playsuit
7. Stepping into a shop where there’s ne’er a full-length top in sight
Crop tops everywhere. Fabulous.
8. When you try on a maxi dress only to discover it’s trailing a few feet behind you
Is this supposed to be a train or what?
9. God help you if you’re tall and trying to find a pair of jeans that don’t graze your ankles
10. Having big boobs and not being able to get cute bras/bikinis on the high street
11. When you can’t find an item of clothing that isn’t spoiled by a big cut-out section
12. Spotting a lovely shirt… and knowing it’s totally see-through
13. And feeling conned into buying another top you can wear underneath it
14. Having to put up with these bloody hanger strings/constantly tuck them away
The bane of our lives, tbh.
Or, if you’re brave, cutting them off.
15. Finding something decent in Penneys but not wanting to tell anyone where you got it…
16. Lest this happen
Story of every Irish woman’s life.