Dublin: 7 °C Sunday 9 March, 2025

15 things you'll know if you can't cope with the heat

Tis fierce warm.

1. First of all, you have to be extremely strategic with what t-shirt you wear

2. Because if you wear the wrong one (read: anything grey/pastel shade) you run the risk of sweat patches

*doesn’t move arms all day for fear of revealing sweat patches*

3. You spend the day subtly sniffing your armpit at regular intervals to make sure everything’s smelling okay

giphy (6) Source: itslucilebitch/Tumblr

4. And absolutely dousing yourself in deodorant

*keeps fingers crossed that it’s enough*

giphy (7) Source: Giphy

5. Once temperatures pass the ‘mild’ threshold, you become physically incapable of sleeping

giphy (8) Source: Giphy

6. And it becomes the only thing you can talk about

You: “Did anyone else have trouble sleeping last night? I thought it was fierce close now. I had the windows open and the summer duvet out, and I was still roasting.”

Your colleagues: “We’ve already had this conversation twice today.”

7. Of course, hot weather also means that you have to contend with chub rub


8. And you’re forced to shave your legs more regularly than you’d like

Unless you want to roast to death wearing tights/jeans, that is.

9. You can’t step outside without your make-up beginning to melt

And no amount of setting powder can protect you.

ha Source: Giphy

10. You live in constant fear of getting a sweaty upper lip

11. Because you can’t trust Irish weather, you still find yourself lugging your jacket around everywhere… making you sweat even more

giphy (9) Source: Reddit

12. You’ve been known to lurk in the fridge sections of supermarkets just to cool down

giphy (10) Source: Giphy

13. And you resent every moment not spent in a beer garden

The only place that isn’t totally oppressive during the heat.

14. You dread the morning/evening commute even more than usual

Too. Damn. Hot.

15. To say nothing of the inevitable sunburn

God, we just weren’t made for this weather, were we?

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About the author:

Amy O'Connor

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